PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

April 28, 2009


M.O.M. has been away for the last week so I am now I am back to my old tricks of picking on CAT again. She went far away to visit her brothers and their wives as she had not seen them in quite awhile. But I sure missed her being here with me during the days. I missed her throwing my ball for me, taking me for walks, and taking naps with me!

But my sweet friend Glennie came by everyday and took me for a walk. I even got to go with her on the group walks/hikes in the forest. So I still had lot's of fun even though M.O.M. wasn't here with me. And of course at night I snuggled as close to M.O.D. as I could. He kept telling me that M.O.M. would be coming home soon but it sure seemed like she was gone forever.

When she finally drove into our driveway I couldn't wait till M.O.D. let me run out to greet her. Oh, it felt so good to hear her voice and feel her hugs again. She did tell me that she would be here with us again for a long time. Yahoo!!
So life is back to normal again today so I can quietly enjoy my many chew toys and take my naps peacefully in my little doggie bed again. M.O.M. and I are staying inside today as the snow is falling real hard and everything is already covered in the white stuff. Oh, I sure hope there will be enough of it for me to run and play in. I sure miss the winter snows. is good for this happy puppy.

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