PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

July 03, 2009


I am sorry I have taken so long in putting up a post about my very first road trip. We came home very tired and had so many things to do for several days. I guess you can say that I was "One pooped puppy!" But I am back and here is the report about my trip......
M.O.D. built me a very special place to ride in the truck. It was just the right height so I could easily sit up and watch everything go by on the freeway. And I had plenty of room to stretch out and take a nap whenever I wanted. The weather was quite warm with lot's of sunshine so we stopped often so I could get out and stretch my legs and cool off. Of course, it was wonderful to be that close to M.O.M. and M.O.D. as we went down the freeway
I didn't care what kind of surface I was lying on---just as long as it was cool.
We stopped at a grocery store to get some goodies to eat and M.O.M. found an enclosed area where the employees go to take their smoke breaks. The area was large and enclosed with tall chain link fencing so I was able to be off my leash and just relax while M.O.D. was inside doing the shopping. M.O.M.and I were both thankful that it was in the shade so I enjoyed watching all the customers coming and going from this store.
We did stop several times and get out and walk around and in some houses along the way. I am not sure why we did this but it did give me a chance to run around a bit and roll in the nice grass. If you look real close, that's me in the shade of the house on the right in the photo rolling and feeling so wonderful. Well, at least that is what M.O.M. thought I was doing. But as we climbed back into our truck she said "What in the world is that smell?!!" They both checked the bottoms of their shoes thinking they had stepped in "something". Oops. M.O.M. turned to me and said "Please tell me Mistaya that it's not you that is causing that terrible smell!" Unfortunately it is. When M.O.M. saw me rolling in the nice grass she thought I was just stretching and enjoying myself. But instead I had found something in the grass that I thought smelled wonderful and had so much fun rolling over and over in it.
So back to the motel for the three of us. M.O.M. said that when the motel said I could stay in the room with her and M.O.D., that smelling this bad wasn't part of the deal. So it was into the tub for me. M.O.M. used a plastic cup to pour water over the offending area and used a bar of hand soap to work out the smell. I don't think she understands how hard I had to work to get that great smell on my beautiful coat. Boy, how undignified was this? After she was finally done she put on my leash and out the door we went.
I was attached to the truck's side mirror and this is where I had to stay until I was dry. M.O.M. didn't seem very happy to have to spend her time cleaning out the tub of all my dogie hair and to get rid of the smell.
So we returned home all very tired and glad to be back to familiar surroundings. I am still not sure just why we made this big adventure but I love my beautiful green grass and all my chew toys. It's good to be home.


  1. That sounded like a nice trip, but I am glad that you are home and safe. I don't get why they don't like the rolling in the grass thing either. I have to have baths sometimes too and they use the word stink a lot. I like stink, leave me alone.
    Oh well, they are only humans

    licks and sniffs, Sasha

  2. That was quite an adventure Mistaya, I hope you had fun (except for the bath). I guess humans just don't understand about good smells.

    Have a great weekend,

  3. Sasha and SquirrelQueen...I just can't get M.O.M. and M.O.D. to understand that puppies like different smells! But I have to admit that I did feel pretty good after my bath....PLEASE don't tell anyone I just said that!! Mistaya


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